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Diaper bank

Did you know the average monthly cost of disposable diapers per baby is $120? On average, 12 diapers per day are used by an infant. Moreover, diapers are NOT funded with state or federal child safety-net programs.

Through our Diaper Bank program, diapers are made available to families with young children in an attempt to reduce daily expenses to families who may be struggling financially.

Program Description:

Our Diaper Bank program allows local families in need to access diapers and wipes at no cost throughout the year. This support provides an important budget boost for families. 

Program Stats:

  • Supports over 50 families annually at a cost of $4,000. 
  • Drop off at Waverly Life Church, 1013 East Bremer Ave., Waverly
  • Most needed sizes: 5, 6, 7 and Pull-Ups

Program Details:

  • Open to families in need in Bremer County and Shell Rock.

diaper bank

How does diaper pick up work? It's simple! If you need diapers, you stop by and pick them up during the designated time at Waverly Life Church located at 1013 East Bremer Ave., Waverly.

*Based on size availability. Must reside in Bremer County or Shell Rock.

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I want struggling parents to have what they need to keep their babies healthy and happy. Having diapers seems so basic but they are expensive and it can be crushing to a parent when funds don't stretch to cover everything. 

Traci magsamen

United way board member

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